Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 154 in total

Living a Prayer

"It is with great gratitude for this Goodness that I speak this word of Truth, knowing that it is made manifest without hesitation." Carol is captivated by the end of ...

Stealth Prayer and God Prayer

The methodical exploration of the steps of a Practical Prayer continues with two of the prayers from Rev. Bill's Practical Prayer for Real Results book that made a hug...

One Step at a Time

Carol takes us back to the basics, with the idea to step through each of the steps of a Practical Prayer with an explanation of what's going on in each one. She and Re...


Carol wants to know what Rev. Bill thinks about "Awakening", or people who say they're awakened. There is also a question of whether awakening is an event or a process...

Eclipse Earthquake and A.I.

Things happen, and then we have an experience, engagement and understanding of them. Rev. Bill observes that this is the way New Thought works. He and Carol explore th...

Clarifying the Ego

Carol observes that, in Traditional Religion, the ego is viewed as a person being full of themselves, or wanting to be in control in some way. Rev. Bill discusses New ...

Did I Ask for This?

Carol continues the conversation about manifesting, diving into the idea that we don't manifest anything. She also found that all sorts of stuff started happening afte...


Carol and Rev. Bill dig into the HUGE difference in the understanding of sin between traditional churches and the New Thought teaching. The conversation turns to the w...


A recent Opinion piece in the NY Times described the current trend in "manifesting" as part of New Thought. Rev. Bill, in a posture of righteous indignation, points ou...

Overcoming Doubt

Carol's experience with "traditional" prayer was that God could answer Yes, No, or Maybe. She always found it troublesome because it starts a prayer with doubt about i...


Carol's account on Facebook was suspended, for reasons that were not apparent. Efforts to correct the situation didn't work, but for some reason she wasn't bothered by...

Peace of Mind

Carol and Rev. Bill go on a wide-range and freewheeling conversation about creation stories, science vs. religion, and the basics of the Science of Mind textbook befor...


Step three - the Realization - is the heart of a Practical Prayer. Carol wants to talk about it, and the importance of the steps leading up to it. Rev. Bill points out...


Carol is back from a fabulous family event that was better than anyone could have planned. It brought to mind that we are in a co-creative process with the Infinite, i...

The One

Carol can't get away from "The One". She does a lot of different sorts of creative work, and every time she wants to get into the head space of other creators she real...

Intention & Impact

When Carol initially got into the New Thought philosophy she put a lot of energy into learning the language, and the way to say what we mean, and what we want. She and...

Surrender and Release

Carol and Rev. Bill continue the conversation about bringing something new and fresh into our lives, this time with a focus on letting go of what we've had up until no...

Getting Something New

Carol observes that we can't just pray and expect something to change - new it happens when we do something different. Rev. Bill suggests that our intention, our consc...

Creating Your Own Reality

Carol usually does things in an orderly serial progressions - from A to B to C - but finds that the episodes of the podcast have not tended to build on one another in ...

Jesus and Practical Prayer

Carol wants to know why Jesus didn’t do Practical Prayer… or did he? And how do we pray like Jesus? Rev. Bill gives us the instructions from Jesus on how to pray, and ...


There's a tradition of focusing on what we want to be "new" at this time of year. Carol found that, in her years on the traditional pulpit, people wanted their life to...

Oneness, Revisited

Carol wants to talk about Oneness, and Rev. Bill is emphatic about how central it is to the New Thought teaching. Carol wants to take it to a personal level, when we f...

Doubting God Within

Carol has noticed that people sometimes get "stuck" between the second and third steps in their Practical Prayer, describing it as "spiritual indigestion." Rev. Bill o...

Spiritual Mind Treatment

Rev. Bill is joined by Dr. Robert Brzezinski, the mastermind behind the New Thought Media Network and an ordained minister in the Centers for Spiritual Living. They di...


Carol wants to talk about "Release". It's the final step in a Practical Prayer, and so ingrained in Rev. Bill's thinking that he can overlook its power and importance....

Spiritual Principle

Rev. Bill is solo today, and takes the opportunity to get back to Practical Prayer fundamentals - the notion that the underlying Power is a spiritual principle. It res...

Mental Equivalents

Carol points out that, sometimes, we're just having "one of those days". She and Rev. Bill discuss the metaphysical perspective on it, and how that experience of havin...

Purpose is a Process

Carol has been encountering a lot of people who find themselves looking for purpose in their lives. Some are dealing with a loss, and wonder what could be next. Others...

Change, Again

Carol observes that changes are always happening, and sometimes it feels like there's a LOT of change going on. Now there's a change of seasons, changes in where we ar...

Stillness and Multitasking

Rev. Bill and Carol both doubt that multitasking is a real thing, and each bring their own shifting perspective as they have grown (or aged). The discussion veers to t...

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