Displaying 1 - 30 of 188 in total

Getting a Grip on Ego

Carol believes that ego is key to our success, and also drives our failures and frustrations. Rev. Bill suggests that there's a difference between controlling our ego ...


Carol asks, "Is everything a miracle? Or is nothing a miracle?" Rev. Bill says the answer is "yes," and the discussion proceeds with the idea that the miracle of life ...

Simple, But Not Easy

Rev. Bill is solo in this episode. He talks about the the simplicty of Practical Prayer, and how that simplicity contrasts with the complexity of actually practicing w...

Time and Vocabulary

Time seems to be moving SO quickly to Carol and those around her. Changes that used to take ten years now happen in two years, or even faster. How do we maintain our c...

Heaven & Hell

The ideas of Hell and Heaven saturate traditional religion, and Carol wants Rev. Bill's perspective. He breaks the conversation down into three facets - what Heaven an...

We Don't Manifest Anything

Carol is intrigued by Rev. Bill's claim a few episodes back that "we don't manifest anything." There are clearly a LOT of people busy doing Manifesting work of all sor...

Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance

Some people around Carol have been using the words wealth, prosperity and abundance as three ways to say the same thing. The are different, and Rev. Bill explains that...

Subliminal Influences

Carol has a lifelong love of music, and is aware of the possibility for messages to be hidden within. There are other ways we can be influenced without our specific aw...


Carol has come across the notion of "outlining", which is different in the bible than the way it's addressed by Emmet Fox, and other visionaries of New Thought. Rev. B...


In watching the little kids at Halloween, Carol gave thought to the masks we wear, the roles we play, and how we present ourselves differently to different groups at v...

Metaphysics at Starbucks

After more than 170 weekly podcast episodes and a friendship that started during the pandemic, Carol and Rev. Bill FINALLY met in person. The meeting brought out old w...

Manifestation and Divine Timing

Carol notes that there are two concepts, one of of Manifesting... repeating affirmations to create a change in our lives, and one of Divine Timing, in which a power an...

Evolving Consciousness

Carol points out that "evolution just happens - you don't get to vote," and that people around her are resistant to change, even though it's going to happen anyhow. Re...

Spirituality not Religion

Carol says that religion is dos and don'ts and dogma, brought together with judgement. She believes that spirituality lies beneath it, and can get lost. Rev. Bill agre...

Perfectionism and Purposefulness

Carol has become increasingly aware of the difference between being purposeful, and perfectionism, and the ways that people can deny the presence of the Divine in dail...

Manifestation & Feeling

It's a double-topic as Carol brings up the disconnect between our feelings and the "serious" nature of our intention-setting and Creative nature. Rev. Bill confirms th...

Interrupting Karma

What goes around comes around... karma... You reap what you sow.Carol has found that Traditional Religion includes this idea, but doesn't spend much time talking about...

Does God Have a Plan?

This is a Rebroadcast of Episode 34 from January 2022Carol wants to know about God’s plan, and how predestination and free will fit together. Rev. Bill talks about fin...


In her early days in traditional religion, Carol was given a specific, standard technique for meditation. Over the years, the guidance on How to Meditate has changed. ...

The Difference Between Traditional and Practical Prayer

Both Carol and Rev. Bill got the idea to revisit this topic from the early episodes of the podcast. It's partly to re-establish this important idea, but even more impo...


Carol was surprised by a conversation with a colleague who is intent on growing their organization the same way that would have been done before COVID. She's wondering...

Who Am I Praying To?

Since her first days of studying Practical Prayer, Carol questioned who it is that she was praying to. This is one of the elements that sets Practical Prayer apart fro...

Religious and Spiritual Friends

Carol's experience with old friends from her days in traditional religion has made her notice that some are inclined toward judgement and even rejection when she talks...


Carol is interested in what happens when our use of the Creative process works wonderfully to create new experiences like magic, and then suddenly stops working. Rev. ...

Healing and Medicine

In Carol's earlier life, healing prayer was done all the time, but Faith Healing was outside of "church". Rev. Bill digs into the convergence of medicine, healing, and...

One Thing, Many Ways

Carol recalls reading Ralph Waldo Emerson when she was very young, and then re-encountering it later to discover that his ideas apply - again - to what's going on toda...

Inadvertent Suggestions

Carol found herself telling people that after the age of 50, their experiences will be repeats of previous experiences. Then she found that she was experiences an unco...

Prayers for Emotional Wholeness

The fundamental notion of "God is all there is" has been coming up for Carol, especially as people consider the idea of putting their self-care and spiritual practice ...

Getting Started with Practical Prayer

As we begin our practice of Practical Prayer, we don't have to start with "The Big Stuff", even though it's been demonstrated in miraculous healings, prosperity, and t...

Praying for Others

Carol explains that people asking for prayer has always felt a bit awkward, for a number of reasons. Rev. Bill explains the power of Practical Prayer done by another p...

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